District Cooling
Usually refers to the centralized production and distribution of cooling energy. The cooling energy is produced in a central cooling plant as chilled water, and will be distributed to every consumer in a closed piping circuit.
District Cooling is being implemented worldwide by many different organizations, both private and public. There is also an extensive variety of types of consumers (Residences, Hotels, Offices, Retails Stores, Hospitals, etc.).
An environmental Solution for the present
ARANER, as a leader in the implementation of advanced refrigeration systems, combines all the benefits of a District Energy System with the advantages of dry condensation that eliminates the use of water. Furthermore, ARANER is an expert in Ammonia plants, a zero Ozone Depletion Potential a zero Global Warning Potential that is a 100% natural refrigerant.
This combination converts the ARANER District Energy into a sustainable, reliable, cost-effective and highly profitable solution for industrial, residential and commercial heating requirements, providing the highest efficiency for your project energy demand.
Several technologies such as Heat Pumps or TES Tanks can be combined in the design of the District Energy plant in order to save electrical consumption and capital cost.
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![]() District Heat Transfer Station | ![]() District Cooling Scheme |
![]() District Energy | ![]() District cooling and heating |
![]() Transfer Energy |
Central Cooling & Heating
A District Energy System distributes thermal energy in the form of chilled and hot water from a central source to multiple buildings or consumers through a network of pipes used for cooling and heating. The cooling or heat rejection is provided from a central cooling plant, thus eliminating the need for separate systems in individual buildings.
This solution is interesting when there is an appreciable concentration of cooling loads, such as densely populated urban areas and high density building clusters, and can offer economic and environmental benefits. As the central plant is large there will be economies of scale and higher thermal efficiency as compared to that of many isolated small systems.
Engineered type chillers and industrial compressor units are recommended in order to increase the efficiency and durability of the District Energy Plant.
District Energy Benefits
Recognized Green Technology With carbon credits
Higher efficiency
Higher reliability
Optimization of installed cooling capacity
Reduction in peak electricity demand
Operation and maintenance services provided by experts
Reduction in CO2 emissions
Possibility of energy storage