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The THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE (TES)  tank is a naturally stratified thermal accumulator that allows the storage of chilled water produced during off-peak periods. This energy is later used during on-peak periods to chill the turbine inlet air and increment its power output.


The Stratified Thermal Energy Storage (TES) tank is a widely proven technology that collects excess process thermal energy to be used during load peak hours. By producing chilled water during  the evenings and using it during daily peak hours we obtain several advantages.

Save your excess, use it on demand

The TES technology, in combination with TIAC, allows for a reduction in operation costs and refrigerant plant capacity requirements. ARANER provides and designs Ice storage, Stratified water storage and Salt storage. Our in-house technology provides state-of-the-art thermal storage systems, resulting in better performance and reduced charging times.


Up to this day, ARANER has supplied design and consultancy for more than 100 Thermal Energy Storage Systems.

How Thermal Storage Tank works

In a naturally stratified chilled-water storage tank, cool and warm volumes of water are stored together without a physical barrier. A stable density gradient prevents mixing of the two volumes. The stable gradient is maintained during storage and operation by varying the direction of flow throughout the tank.

Araner- TESTank

Araner- TESTank

Araner-Thermal Energy Storage

Araner-Thermal Energy Storage





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Typically, there will be a 0.4 to 0.6m thick thermocline (a region with vertical temperature and density gradients) making a separation between the cold and the hot water. In charging and discharging mode, the cool water is introduced and withdrawn at the bottom of the tank while warm water is introduced and withdrawn at the top difusser. 


The ARANER-designed diffuser systems help to preserve stratification by minimizing the disturbance caused by inlet and outlet flows, supported by extensive CFD studies and R&D of new diffusers.


Thermal Energy Storage Tank is very beneficial for cooling plant with variable demand between day and night which is the typical case of District / Energy plants. TES Tank is also advisable when Turbine Inlet Air Cooling systems are designed for peak demand.

Thermal Storage Tank Advantages

The TES tank reduces capital and operational cost. The main advantage is the production of chilled water when electricity demand is low, using the excess power to run the chilling system. This production coincides with the evening, when the ambient temperature is low and chilling system has better performance. Another advantage is the reduction of the chilling plant capacity and operational cost in comparison with an on-line chilling system, which produces delays during periods of low demand.


  • Maximum efficiency in simultaneous chilled water production and consumption

  • Smaller refrigeration equipment sizes and costs, as they are designed for average loads and not for peaks

  • Storage of thermal energy and transformation to electrical energy, with turbine inlet air cooling technology

  • Thermal energy production stored during low-cost electricity periods

  • Available option of water or ice storage

Thermal Storage Tank works perfectly with Turbine Inlet Air Cooling
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